Don’t listen too much to your customers
What is the most important thing for you to do as an entrepreneur? Listen to your customer’s wishes and make them come true?
Absolutely not.
Listening to your customers is naturally important, but it will only help you improve the things you already have out there.
If you want to change the world – and be a true innovator – you will have to figure it out by yourself.
Steve Jobs once said “You can’t just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they’ll want something new.”.
Your mission as an entrepreneur is to figure out how to solve the customer’s problem in ways they can’t even imagine.
Trying to fulfill all the wishes of customers is a road to perdition.
Your loudest and most outspoken customers will commonly want a lot of special features that allow them to tweak your service or product in a special way.
90% of your customers do not need these features.
If you add the features anyway, it will end up consuming all the time of your team and – which is worse – make your service or product far more difficult to use for the majority of your customers that don’t need the features.
So – if you want to conquer the world as an innovative entrepreneur, make sure that you don’t listen too much to your customers.