iPhone App

What phone number is shown when I call?

We show your regular mobile phone number to the person you call. You can however change this and instead show your Sonetel number if you so prefer.

In the iPhone app Settings, you have the option „Show number“ that allows you to select if you want to show your regular mobile number or your Sonetel number to the person you are calling.

If you have multiple Sonetel numbers and want to select which one to show, you need to sign in at sonetel.com and change your personal settings for making calls.

Phone numbers from some countries that were purchased from us before 18th December 2018, cannot be used as caller ID in outgoing calls after 1st March 2019. This is due to restrictions imposed by our local partner.
Please contact us and we can offer you a replacement number from our new partners that can be used as caller ID.
Please note that your Caller ID (the number you want to show) may not be displayed properly by the local carrier in some countries. If this happens, please send details of a recent call (less than 6 hours old) to support@sonetel.com and we can try to resolve it together with the local carrier. However, caller ID cannot always be guaranteed.