Phone Numbers

What phone number will I see when I receive a call?

You will normally see the phone number of the caller.

If you prefer to see your Sonetel phone number, then you can do like this:

  1. Go into your personal settings at and “Calls to me”.
  2. Click on “Change” and select what Sonetel phone number you would like to see on your phone, when you receive a call via Sonetel.


The above change will only work if the Sonetel phone number is configured to connect calls to you as a User (directly or via a Voice response service). It will not work if the phone number is configured to connect calls directly to your mobile number.

Phone numbers that are connected directly to a destination – and not via a user – will always show the phone number of the original caller.


Please note that the Caller ID may not be displayed properly by the local carrier in some countries. If this happens, please send details of a recent call (less than 6 hours old) to and we can try to resolve it together with the local carrier. However, caller ID cannot always be guaranteed.