Who is the real hero?
In 2000, the United Nations boldly set up the target of reducing extreme poverty by 50% from 1990 to 2015.
Remarkably, the target was met already in 2010. Hundreds of millions have now been lifted out of poverty and into a more worthy life.
“The Millennium Development Goals have proven that focused global development objectives can make a profound difference,” UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said.
However – there is one catch. The United Nations had very little – if anything – to do with this fantastic development.
So who is the real hero then?
Well – as boring as it may sound, the true hero is called “economic growth” – driven by capitalism and free trade.
Between 1981 and 2001 China lifted 680m people out of poverty. Since 2000, the acceleration of growth in developing countries has cut the numbers in extreme poverty outside China by 280m.
So – although it is great that all these celebrities get together and chat about world improvement at Davos – it would be reasonable if the true hero behind this great step for humanity was honored; namely Capitalism.
Source: The Economist.