How to get a Free Cloud IVR IVR (Interactive voice response) has been around since the early seventies. In its new shape – the Cloud IVR – it still plays a vital role in every business that wants to handle incoming customer calls in a professional way. In this arti...
Numéro de téléphone virtuel gratuit Un numéro de téléphone virtuel est un numéro de téléphone ordinaire qui vous permet de répondre et de passer des appels depuis n’importe où dans le monde. Mise à jour mars 2024 : nous sommes désolés, mais nous ne proposons plus de numéros virtuels g...
Comment fonctionne le renvoi d’appel Comment fonctionne le renvoi d’appel – et comment l’activer sur un numéro de téléphone ? Ce sont quelques-unes des questions auxquelles nous répondrons dans cet article
What is CPaaS? Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) is a cloud based service that allows you to integrate various types of real-time communication services into your own software, through the use of APIs. In this article we will take a deep look at CPaaS. H...
Is there a future for the Phone Number? The phone number is an aging invention from the 1800’s. It still plays a surprisingly important role in our lives. But for how long? Will there be phone numbers in the future – or are they on the brink of extinction? These are some of the...
Facebook Messenger for business Your customers and prospects are probably already among the more than 1 billion people using Messenger. How can Facebook Messenger be used for your business – to increase revenues? In this article we will explain how you can make your business...
WordPress chat plugin WordPress is a free open-source software that runs ca 35% of all web sites on the planet. By adding plugins to a WordPress site, you can add more functionality. If you want to allow your website visitors to ask questions, we suggest that you add a Wo...
What is a Virtual Phone Number? A virtual phone number is actually an ordinary phone number. You can use it to make and receive calls just like any other phone numbers. People calling the number will not know that they are calling a virtual number. In this article we will explain...
AI in small businesses There’s a lot of talk about Artificial Intelligence, but what does this mean for a small business? Is there really a role for AI in small businesses? In this article we will have a look at what the great minds of our time think about the future...