Intra-EU and Local Sonetel number call rates
Intra-EU and Local Sonetel number call rates can give you up to 95% cheaper call rates for calls within the Europe Union – compared to our regular call rates.
Legislative changes by the European Union have led to a significant reduction in charges for calls made within the EU. This has also meant that local phone companies in Europe now have significantly different charges for handling incoming calls coming from outside the EU and from within the EU.
In this article, we will explain the difference between the different rates. In another article, we will explain the steps you need to take to get access to the lower rates.
The different call rates
We offer the following three types of call rates at our website:
- Regular call rates
The regular call rates apply whenever you make a call – or forward an incoming call – to a mobile or landline number anywhere in the world.
- Intra EU call rates
An Intra-EU call is a call within the European Union. It doesn’t matter if you are actually physically located in the EU at the time of making the call. The only thing that matters is that the to and from number are within the EU. The «from number» is defined by the number shown to the person called (the «CLI»).
Intra-EU calls can either be calls you make, or incoming calls that you receive on an EU number and forward onwards to another EU number.
For example, if you are calling a contact in Germany and use your Sonetel number from France as the caller ID, then our system will apply the lower Intra-EU rates automatically -regardless of you actual location. - Local Sonetel number call rates
Local Sonetel number call rates apply to calls made within a country. These are the most cost-effective rates we offer for calls within a specific country in the EU.
To benefit from these rates, you need to ensure that when you make a call to a number in a specific country, you are showing a Sonetel phone number from that same country as your caller ID (CLI).
For example, if you have a Sonetel phone number in Belgium and use that number as the caller ID when making outgoing calls to your contacts in Belgium, then our system will automatically apply Local Sonetel number call rates.
How can I make calls at these lower rates?
See our article on how to make low cost calls within the EU for more information.