
Buy phone numbers

You can buy one or more local phone numbers for your business in any city or country of choice. If you use our free chat function on your web site – you are entitled to get a free phone number as well.

Incoming calls to your phone numbers can be forwarded to any destination of choice – for free or at the cost of a local call.

Here is a short video that gives you an overview:


Step-by-step instructions

To buy phone numbers, go to the Phone numbers page in the web app.



Click on the “+” sign on the Phone numbers page and then select a country in the list that follows.



In this view you have the following information and options.

  • Country
    You can select another country from the first drop down list.
  • City or number type
    In the second menu you can select among all available number types in the country, such as toll free numbers, National numbers and city numbers.
  • Recommendations
    As some numbers may only be available to local residents and companies, we show a text recommending what number type to get if you live elsewhere, and what number types that are available free for web site or free with Premium.
  • List of numbers available
    The cost per month is shown together with set up cost and per minute cost for inbound calls (call forwarding is not included). Click on a number to get more details.


Filter options

You can use the filter option above the list to filter the view.

  • Billing cycle
    Select how long subscription you want. The longer the cheaper per month. Please note that the entire subscription period is charged in advance.
  • Number types
    Each company that also uses our free chat function for web sites is entitled to get 1 free phone number. You can filter to only show numbers that are Free for website. You can also filter on numbers that are available for a free trial. 



Add as many numbers as you want to the cart, and then check out. If you are selecting numbers that are not free, and do not have sufficient with funds in your Sonetel prepaid account, you will be asked to refill your prepaid account as part of the checkout process.