Cloud IVR with transcription
Do you want a Cloud IVR transcript solution where you can get transcriptions and summaries of messages that callers have left? Look no further. Simply create a Voice app of the type Voicemail and select the destination email address.
In this article we will explain how you can set up a Cloud IVR Voicemail box with transcription and summaries of incoming messages – in a matter of minutes.
Follow these steps
Start by getting a free Sonetel account. If you have one, go to Voice apps in the account settings.
Then follow the instructions in the article about setting up a Cloud IVR Voicemail.
Once you have set it up, and paid for the phone number, you will get transcriptions and summaries together with each voicemail received.
Getting the Cloud IVR transcript
You will get the following with each delivery:
- Audio recording
The audio recording is attached to the email. - Brief summary
The subject will tell you the callers name and subject. There will also be an emoticon showing the mood of the caller. - Summary
The email will start with a summary of the message in a few sentences. - Bulleted list of takeaways
The important points made in the message will be provided in a bulleted list. - Actions expected
The action you are expected by the caller to take is described briefly. - Transcript
The full transcript of the call will follow.
Here follows an example of the information provided:

Automatic language detection
The service automatically detects the language (among the languages supported) and provides the summary and transcript in the corresponding language.