Free mobile numbers in Ukraine
To enable communication between Ukrainians abroad and their relatives in Ukraine – even in the absence of Internet – we are making it possible to get a free mobile number in Ukraine – with call forwarding to any location worldwide.
Information in Ukrainian available here. Українська версія доступна тут.
How it works
Each Sonetel customer can get a free mobile number in Ukraine for 12 months.
Submit your request to our support at with your email address used for your free Sonetel account.
We will add the phone number to your account + $5 free call credit for call forwarding.
Use cases
Example 1: An Ukrainian living in the US can get a free local Sonetel mobile number in Ukraine and have call forwarding to their local number in the US. The Ukraine mobile number can be shared with family and friends in Ukraine. Family and friends can call the Sonetel Ukraine number whenever they want to speak to the relative in the US. They call the local number in Ukraine – which is connected via Sonetel to the US number – and do not need to have access to Internet.
Example 2: A refugee fleeing Ukraine to Poland can get the free mobile number from Sonetel (without SIM-card), and have it call forwarded to a prepaid Polish mobile number that they buy locally in Poland (with SIM-card). Their family back in Ukraine can then call the new Ukraine mobile number from Sonetel to reach the relative in Poland. No Internet access is needed by either part.
Free numbers are only allocated to accounts that comply with these requirements:
- You have validated your identity and address in the web app
- You are not located in or a citizen of Russia, Belarus or Chechnya
Important to know
The mobile numbers do not come with SIM-cards. Incoming calls can be forwarded to any destination worldwide. Call forwarding charges apply and are deducted from the free credit provided.
The $5 credit is provided to new account holders only.
You can also use a free third party SIP phone to answer the calls for free.
We cannot guarantee the availability of mobile numbers if the interest is large, as we are dependent on availability of numbers from our providers.
Audio is not encrypted.
In the unlikely event that we gain any net profits from the use of these numbers, we will donate that net profit back to Ukraine via some charitable organization.
See what your company can do
We urge you to see what your company can do to help the people of Ukraine.
To facilitate communication between Ukrainians abroad with their relatives in Ukraine – even in the absence of Internet – we are now making it possible to get a free mobile number in Ukraine with call forwarding to any location worldwide.