Most popular SIP phones

How to connect Zoiper to Sonetel

Zoiper is a popular 3rd party SIP phone that can be connected to Sonetel for making and receiving calls. It works with Windows, Mac and Linux.

You can download the latest Zoiper softphone here.

Here are the instructions for how to connect a Zoiper softphone to Sonetel.

  1. Go to settings
    Go to Settings in Zoiper and create a new account.
  2. Select SIP
    Select SIP in the Account wizard.
  3. Enter email, password and outbound proxy
    In the next screen enter the email address & password you use to sign in to your Sonetel account. Also enter as the Outbound proxy
  4. Skip auto-detection
    Click on Next and in the next screen check Skip auto-detection.
  5. Auth username
    Now, go to Settings and then Preferences and enter the Auth. username. This should be the same as your Username (i.e. the first part of your email address).
    For example, if email address is enter john.smith 
  6. Check rport
    Click on the Advanced tab and ensure Use rport is checked.
  7. Enter STUN details
    Enter the STUN server details as below:

    1. Server Hostname/IP 
    2. Port
    3. Refresh period
    4. Click OK
      Click on OK to save the settings and you should get registered



  • Don’t get registered
    If you don’t get registered right away, open the Preferences and first click on Unregister and then on Register.
  • Can’t hear anything
    If you’re unable to hear anything while making calls go to Settings > Preferences and in the Advanced tab, enable rport media.


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