Suggested Answers API

Use the ready-made and free user interfaces

The Suggested answers can be used by your customer service team in ready-made and free user interfaces – or be integrated with any 3rd party interfaces of choice. This is up to you.

If you prefer to use the free user interfaces available from Sonetel, this is what you get:

  • Free agent interface
    The interface for the agent is available both in the shape of a web app and as mobile apps for Android and iPhone. 
  • Shared Team inbox
    Your agents can pick incoming customer conversations from a shared team inbox.
  • Business Messenger
    A free Business Messenger for your website, allows you to instantly offer chat to customers.
  • Facebook Integration
    The integration with Facebook allows your customers to use Facebook Messenger for communicating with your team. For free.
  • Twitter DM
    As a paid option, you can add the ability to respond to Twitter Direct Messages via the team inbox.

This is the easiest way to get started – for free.

Here is a video that shows how it works.