Call recording

Activate Recording on a Sonetel phone number

You can easily record all calls to and from your Sonetel phone numbers. Follow these steps to activate call recording on a Sonetel phone number.

  1. Activate Call recording in your account and set it to ”Allowed”.
  2. Scroll to the Phone numbers section shown immediately after signing in at This is where all your Sonetel Phone numbers are listed.
  3. Click on Change next to the phone number.

The options for recording calls are shown in the dialogue box (see above) .

  • Record calls
    The Call recording settings on the Sonetel phone number. The following options are available:

    • Not activated.
      Calls are not recorded, unless the call involves a User that has Call recording activated. 
    • All calls.
      All incoming calls received to the phone number  and all calls made by a User – where the phone number is shown to the person called – are recorded.
    • Incoming calls.
      All incoming calls received to the phone number are recorded.
    • Outgoing calls.
      All calls made by a User – where the phone number is shown to the person called – are recorded.