Cheaper phone numbers for developers
Companies that subscribe to phone numbers via our new API now get up to 50% lower monthly cost.
Integrate with our API
If your business needs to buy new virtual phone numbers (DIDs) on an ongoing basis, it may be a good idea to automate the process by integrating your software with our new API.
Save $1 per number and month
If you do wo, we will knock off $1 per month on your monthly fee for each of your numbers.
If you buy US phone numbers, this means that they will cost you $0.99 in monthly renewal (instead of $1.99). If you opt for our longest renewal cycle (3 years) – they will cost you $0.79 per month (instead of $1.79).
No strings attached
There is no minimum commitment or contract term.
The discount is automatically applied to all numbers ordered via our API starting from now.
How to get started
To get started ordering numbers via our API, follow these steps.
- Get a Sonetel account
Sign up for a free Sonetel account here, unless you already have one. - Add some money
Add a few dollars into your Sonetel prepaid account. If you change your mind, we’ll be happy to provide a refund. - Start using the API
You can find all information about how to use the Sonetel API here.
Companies that subscribe to phone numbers via our new API now get up to 50% lower monthly cost.