
Here are our prices for connecting calls to your Cloud IVR.

  • Connect calls via SIP
    $0 per month. 1,000 calls per month are FREE. Additional calls cost $0.01.

Charges are deducted from your Sonetel prepaid account.



Optional add-on services

The following optional add-on services are available.

  • Connect calls via Sonetel phone numbers
    Local phone numbers cost from $1.79/month ($0.79 if ordered via our API) and a paid plan (starts at $9.95/month and user) for use of Cloud IVR.
  • Call forwarding
    Call forwarding from your Cloud IVR app to mobiles and landlines worldwide costs like a local call. Call forwarding to SIP destinations is free.
  • Text-to-speech
    Text-to-speech can be used for the generation of audio messages to be played to callers (as an alternate to recording or uploading files – which is free). Using the Text-to-speech function is free with paid plans (up to a fair usage limit). Free plan includes 100 free instances of audio generation per month regardless if they are saved or not; additional use is charged at $0.05 per file and started minute. Please note that there is no charge for playing the generated audio files to callers. We only charge for creating the file.