SIP IVR voicemail
Creating a SIP IVR Voicemail box is easy. The recording from the caller can be delivered as an audio file to an email address of choice.
Sonetel phone numbers can be configured to send calls to Voice apps (SIP IVR). It is also possible to send calls from your SIP equipment to the unique SIP address of the SIP IVR voicemail.
A voicemail box has the following features:
- Plays a message
Plays a message prior to the recording “Welcome to XYZ. Please leave your message after the beep”. - Records the caller
The recording continues until the caller hangs up. - Delivers the recorded message
Sends the message to the destination of choice.
Creating a SIP IVR voicemail box
To manage and configure your voicemail boxes, sign into the web app, and click on the settings icon bottom left and then select Company settings -> Telephony -> Voice apps to see your voicemail boxes.
You can create as many new free voicemail boxes as you wish by clicking on the “+” icon.
This will provide you with an edit view for a new voicemail box.
SIP IVR Voicemail box configuration options
Here are the options:
- Delete
Allows you to delete the entire voicemail box. - Voicemail name
Shows the name you gave the announcement while creating it. - Set up voicemail for
Define the delivery destination for the voicemail. - Voicemail messages
Allows you to listen to the current announcement and message played prior to forwarding the call (if this is the action you choose).
Optional destinations for delivery
Here are the possible actions that you can take when the caller selects a menu option.
- Team member
The voicemail is delivered by email to the team member - Team (coming soon)
Delivers the voicemail to the customer service team. - Email
Enter an email address to which the recording should be delivered.
Update messages played
There are two messages played:
- Greeting message
This is played prior to recording the callers message “Please leave a message after the tone”. - Goodbye message
Played if the caller is silent for a while. “Thank you for your message and goodbye”
Push the Play button to listen to what the message sounds like now.
Push the menu icon (next to the play button) and select Replace audio, if you want to change the recording.
If you choose to update a message, you have the following options:

- Upload audio file
The file you upload should either be in the WAV (PCM, 8000hz – 16 bit mono audio) or MP3 format. - Text to speech
Allows you to type a text and have it converted to a recording in the language of choice, using Text-to-speech.
- Record
We will call your registered mobile number. Follow the instructions on the call to record the new message.