How can I verify my account?

Special number activation

Regulations in some countries require the local service provider to verify the user’s identity before new numbers are activated. This means that we need to collect the information from you and share with the service provider.

Here are some guidelines on the type of information generally accepted by the local authorities.



  • Location
    The location of the address provided must be as per the
    local restrictions for the phone number purchased.
  • PO boxes not accepted
    In some cases, PO box addresses are not accepted by the local authorities.


Address proof

  • New and in color
    The document must be in color and less than 3 months old.
  • Name must match
    The name on the document must match the company name or the name of the company’s authorized representative (if the number is registered under company details).
  • Accepted document type
    The document uploaded must be from this list of
    acceptable documents.


Identity details

  • Must follow local restrictions
    The identity details must be in line with the local restrictions for the phone number purchased.
  • Name must match
    The name in the document must match the name of the company’s authorized representative (if the number is registered under company details).


Identity proof

  • New and color
    The document must be in color and be valid for at least 3 more months.
  • Name must match
    The name on the document must match the name of the company’s authorized representative (if the number is registered under company details).
  • Accepted document type
    The document uploaded must be from this list of acceptable documents.